Special Moments
The 2019 ACF National was held over the weekend of 8 and 9 June in Sydney hosted by Cats NSW. Officiating were judges from Finland, Italy, South Africa, USA and New Zealand in addition to interstate and local ACF Judges. Exhibitors from all states converged on Sydney to meet up with old friends and meet new ones. The Supreme Exhibit was Greencroft R U Ready a Black Van Persian. This was the final year The Hon. Lance Barnard AO Memorial Award for Supreme Exhibit was awarded.
The ACF Judges Guild seminar on Monday once again had an excellent lineup of presenters these included Dr Ben Porter from Royal Canin whose presenation on Finicky Felines – stress and other things feline was well received. Massimo Picardello enthralled us all with his Genetics presentation and Lynne Sherer (TICA) presentation was on the Giants of the cat world the gentle Maine Coon and Veikko Saarela (FIFe) talked to us about the beauty queens, the Persian.
Australian Cat Federation Inc – Feral Cat Policy was endorsed by the meeting which states ACF strives to develop regulations to ensure that the breeders of our member bodies do not contribute to the Feral Cat or Unowned Cat problem. It supports responsible and ethical ownership and breeding of cats, the state–based member bodies of ACF promote compliance with state and local laws in relation to the keeping and breeding of pet cats, which includes requiring/encouraging breeder members to early age desex all kittens not kept or sold for breeding to another registered breeder. Breeders also encourage pet kitten buyers to keep their cats inside as ACFrecognizes the environmental impact of feral cats and the need to control the numbers of feral cats.
The Munchkin breed was recognised with the stipulation that they are not to be used in other breeding programmes. In addition the Nebelung was also recognised, no shorthair varieties are permitted to be used in a Russian breeding programme.
The following statement was unanimously agreed "That ACF Inc will not at any stage recognise any breed which results from more than one structural mutation.” The meeting also recognised the roan colour in cats known as karpati, specifically in La Perm and breeds where the allowable outcross is the domestic cat. The charcoal colour/pattern was also accepted in Bengals.