Special Moments
We move to the 24th year since a unified, national body was formally mooted. In 1996, in Adelaide, the Supreme Panel selected Skylandia Song ’n’ Danceman (red and white Persian) as Supreme Exhibit with GDGPN Delmont Stylish Moonlight (orange–eyed, white Persian neuter) as Reserve. The visiting judges were Joyce Irwin (USA), Penny Bydlinski (United Kingdom), and Waltraud Sattler (Germany). At the Guild seminar, Penny Bydlinski (a Burmilla breeder–judge) spoke on this emerging breed and Waltraud Sattler addressed members on her "other" breed, Ocicats. Barbara Fougere from Whiskas addressed members on health and breeding issues.
The show manager, Hiliary Moore (Vice–President of ACF and President of the Guild,) had an exhausting weekend, wearing various hats. At the Annual General Meeting, time was given to the necessity to involve the "grassroots" members and, given the horrific fire which had destroyed South Australian Ocicat breeders, Joe and Edna Frittum’s, home recently, the ACF contributed to the appeal initiated by Governing Council of the Cat Fancy of South Australia.
Again, the idea of a national register was discussed; Bengals were given provisional recognition, with ACF judges to submit reports on temperament to the Secretary for review in 1997; and it was agreed to keep a register of all kittens other than self –blue deriving from Korat matings. The style of ballot on to be used on ACF Supreme Panels was changed to allow judges to display their vote to the audience. The ACF judge training scheme was scheduled for an update; sub–committees of the ACF were granted (nonvoting) delegation to the ACF committee; and consideration was given to the nature of commemoration of the silver anniversary.