Special Moments
In 1977, the National was held for the first time in Tasmania, and Dr Bill Groom (Chairman of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy of Great Britain, GCCFGB) was a guest judge. There were approximately 800 exhibits and the Best Cat was Zabadak Mahdi (lilac tabby–point). The Best Kitten was Benchana Blue Lynx (blue tabby–point)with Best Neuter awarded to Redwyton Susie Blue (British Shorthair). Also in 1977, the first ACF Judges’ and breeders’ tour of Europe was staged. Thirty–five people participated, with many of that number gaining FIFe national or international accreditation as a result. The process followed to achieve this status was not so stringent as for the later groups (1980 and 1982) which had to adhere strictly to FIFe requirements. All involved paid their own way, and they were split into three groups, each of which wended its way in different directions.Those still a part of the ACF who participated in the trip were Margaret Horne, June Richardson, Judith Russack, Julian Schuller, Dianne Dolman, Lesley Morgan, and Trixie Pettman–South