Special Moments
In 1973 the ACF had its genesis with the inaugural meeting (sponsored by Uncle Ben’s) in Melbourne on the 21st October 1972 The 40th ACF National Show was, therefore, held in Melbourne over the Queen’s Birthday long weekend in June. This show was unique in the annals of the ACF as it was organised by a committee of people based around Australia..
The Show Coordinator was Lesley Morgan in the deep south of the continent, Hobart, Tasmania and her hard working assistant show manager Matthew Wood from South Australia took responsibility for ferrying cages to and from Melbourne among his other duties. Joint Show Secretary and Treasurer was Robbie Walker from Queenslands Gold Coast. The Northern Territory played no small part in this as Scoot Andresen in Alice Springs was the Chief Steward while in Western Australia Carole Galli and Pamela Lanigan handled sponsorship and the web site. The Supreme Exhibit was a Russian Blue from Western Australia, Kimara Zaris Evelina, owned and bred by L. Nikiforos
In 2012 the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy of Victoria and Australia (GCCFV) was welcomed back to the Annual General Meeting as an ACF member body after 39 years. GCCFV is the oldest cat body in Australia (founded in 1926) and in 1972 and 1973 participated in the first Australian National Cat Federation (ANCF) meetings.
The meeting approved amendments to facilitate more frequent meetings of the Federation and also passed amendments to some Show Rules. The adoption of a competency–based Judges Training Scheme was approved. The Peterbald, American Shorthair, American Curl and Pixiebob were accepted for recognition. Committees were convened to finalise standards for the Bombay and Peterbald. The Bengal Standard was amended to bring it into line with the current TICA (country of origin) standard. Bernadette Roberts became co–editor the ACF Yearbook with Lesley Morgan and will continue in that role in 2013. Julian Schuller was elected to the position of International Liaison Officer