Below are a list of links to other Australian and International Cat Organisations that may be useful and interesting. Inclusion on this list is not definitive or exhaustive and does not infer endorsement or recognition by (ACF Inc.)
Fédération Internationale Féline - FIFe
New Zealand Cat Fancy - NZCF
Southern African Cat Council - SACC
The International Cat Association - TICA
Governing Council of the Cat Fancy - GCCF
Cat Fanciers Association - CFA
American Cat Fanciers Association - ACFA
Canadian Cat Association - CCAFC
Co-ordinating Cat Council of Australia - CCCA
World Cat Federation - WCF
Above are a list of links to other Australian and International Cat Organisations that may be useful and interesting. The inclusion on this list is not definitive or exhaustive and does not infer endorsement or recognition by (ACF Inc.)