Special Moments
Westward, ho! ACF went back to Perth with the Feline Control Council of Western Australia as host this year. A bevy of overseas female judges graced the show. Aline Noel (now living in Canada), Nurit Pahl (Austria–Israel), Clare Coutinho (South Africa) and Stephe Bruin (Netherlands) combined with ACF judges to determine the winners. Ultimately, the Supreme Exhibit was Keeza Barnicle Bill (lilac Burmese) owned by Janine and Harry Cooper (Tasmania). Interestingly, he was a son of Kokhan Audacious Audin, the highest scoring Group 3 Kitten in Ring 3 the previous year.
Julian Schuller (Northern Territory) was elected President and Nell Evans (South Australia) returned to the Secretarial role. The new Vice–President was Keryn Rivett. The incoming President of the Judges Guild was Margo’t Maddicks, replacing Helen Farmer whose long record of stewardship of the Judges Guild was so admired by its members. Lesley Morgan Blythe was much relieved at the prospect of being replaced as Editor of the "ACF Year Book 2005" by Jane van Dyk, family circumstances at the time prohibiting the necessary commitment on the previous Editor’s part.
The Distinguished Service Award is not given lightly but this year it was presented, for the second time, to Margaret Bush (Western Australia) for her sterling record on ACF’s behalf.
After much discussion at the Annual General Meeting, the suggestions for change to the constitution were abandoned and it was decided to revert to the Western Australian Fair Trading Model Rules (with slight variations). The formatting of the ACF By–laws document was still a work in progress. The meeting decided that, until ACF’s constitutional overhaul was completed, it was inappropriate to meet with CCCA as planned. CCCA officer–bearers had taken the initiative to moot a new, single, national body but, without the constitution refined, ACF was not in a position to debate this prospect.
A further seven levels were added to the ACF Award of Excellence (AoE) scheme; there was a modification to the Ragdoll profile description; and the Foreign White Longhair was recognised. Bicolour Siamese and Balinese were recognised, as was the Burmilla Longhair. There was good news for host affiliates as it was agreed that they would retain 10 per cent of all profit made from National shows. On the health front, affiliates were to encourage Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) testing of Persians and derived breeds to be recorded for registration purposes.
Also during 2004, Geoffrey Dumigan and Diana Arnold participated in a judging tour which took them to the United Kingdom and the Czech Republic, making them the first Australian judges to officiate in the latter country.