Since 1973, when the ACF staged the very first national show in Adelaide, every Queen's Birthday Weekend (June) is the National weekend. The nation's best cats compete each year for the coveted Supreme Exhibit award at the National Show and there is usually a multi-cultural line-up of overseas judges, as well as 'home grown', ACF judges.

Each year the National Show rotates among the States and is hosted by a different ACF Inc. member body each year.

  • 2000 Sydney - Waratah State Cat Alliance (WSCA)
  • 2001 Brisbane - Queensland Feline Association (QFA)
  • 2002 Adelaide - Governing Council of the Cat Fancy of South Australia (GCCFSA)
  • 2003 Darwin - Cat Authority of the Northern Territory (CANT)
  • 2004 Perth - Feline Control Council of Western Australia (FCCWA)
  • 2005 Marburg, Queensland - Queensland Independent Cat Council (QICC)
  • 2006 Geelong, Victoria - Cat Authority of Victoria (CAV)
  • 2007 Hobart - Cat Association of Tasmania (CAT)
  • 2008 Gympie, Queensland - Queensland Feline Association (QFA)
  • 2009 Adelaide - Governing Council of the Cat Fancy of South Australia (GCCFSA)
  • 2010 Perth - Feline Control Council of Western Australia (FCCWA)
  • 2011 Brisbane - Queensland Independent Cat Council (QICC)
  • 2012 Melbourne - Australian Cat Federation (ACF) In 1973 the ACF had its genesis with the initial meeting organised in Melbourne by Clyde and Beryl Chandler of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy of Victoria and Australia and others. The 40th ACF National Show was, therefore, held in Melbourne over the Queen's Birthday long weekend in June and for the first time the history was hosted by ACF Inc. itself
  • 2013 Adelaide - Governing Council of the Cat Fancy of South Australia (GCCFSA)
  • 2014 Sydney - Australian Cat Federation (ACF) with assistance of Cats NSW
  • 2015 Perth - Feline Control Council of Western Australia (FCCWA)
  • 2016 Queensland - Queensland Feline Association (QFA)
  • 2017 Melbourne - Governing Council of the Cat Fancy of Australia & Victoria (GCCFV)
  • 2018 Adelaide - Governing Council of the Cat Fancy of South Australia Inc. (GCCFSA)
  • 2019 Sydney - Cats NSW
  • 2020 Perth - Cats WA Cancelled Due to COVID-19
  • 2021 Melbourne - GCCFV Cancelled Due to COVID-19
  • 2022 Brisbane - Feline Control Council of Queensland (FCCQ)
  • 2023 Launceston - Tasmanian Feline Association (TFA)
  • Future National Shows
  • 2024 Sydney - Cats NSW
  • 2025 CCCA National - Sydney NSW CFA
  • 2026 ACF National - Adelaide - GCCFSA
  • 2027 CCCA National - TBA
  • 2028 ACF National - Perth - Cats WA