Special Moments
As has become tradition, the "bring your thermals" National was followed by a tropical National, in Darwin. Tom Herbst returned from the USA, and the Guild seminar covered Ragdolls, judging British Shorthairs, and cosmetic surgery. At the show, the Supreme Exhibit was a black silver spotted Oriental kitten, Broadacres Matahari and the Reserve Exhibit was SRGPNGC Comyn Razzle Dazzle (black Exotic Shorthair). At the Annual General Meeting, the International Liaison Officer reported that the accord with FIFe was in place and ACF was, thus, officially recognised as an entity in its own right by FIFe. Tom Herbst raised the possibility of a similar agreement with his body, the American Cat Fanciers Association (ACFA). The idea of once again producing an ACF Yearbook was accepted. The Cymric breed was accepted so long as exhibits were not derived from colourpoints or carriers, and the ACF Award of Excellence (AoE) was instituted.