Special Moments
1976 saw the National Show reverting to Adelaide again, with over 900 exhibits on display. The Best in Show award went to a New Zealand entry, Ch Bonaventura Blue Bentley (Imp. UK), a British Shorthair, owned by Leonie Rains. The Best Longhair Cat was Lavendel Creme Apollo (cream); Best Longhair Kitten was Pardeux Jack of Hearts: Best Longhair Desexed was Arrakish Blu Toby (blue); Best Foreign Shorthair Cat was Ch Kingsmead Gold Phora (tawny Abyssinian); Best Desexed Foreign Shorthair Cat was DGC Sandoway Pushkin (Russian); Best Siamese Cat was Taiping Stanislaus (blue–point); and the Best Desexed Siamese exhibit was PN Yerindi Silver Belle (blue–point).