Marion Cooper ~ FCCQ

ACF Panel:
2009 (Transfer )
International: Yes
8a MacGroarty St
Coopers Plains QLD 4108
Phone: 0401 085 533
Mob: 0401 085 533
Airport: Brisbane (BNE)
Marion Cooper is an International All Breeds Judge (Australian Cat Federation) who began judging in 1983. She has judged extensively in Australia and New Zealand as well as China, The Philippines and Uruguay. Marion is also involved in training students in preparation and care of cats, both as pets and for show.
Marion began breeding & showing Persians in 1973 in the Northern Territory. She has successfully bred many Best in Show Persian and Exotic award winning cats in Australia & New Zealand. She has previously bred Abyssinians.
Currently she is breeding Persians and Exotics in solid, tabby, silver tabby & smoke with the emphasis on chocolate & lilac.
Marion is a member of The Feline Control Council of Queensland (FCCQ) Management Committee and one of their Tutor Judges. As well she has previously been an all breeds Registrar. She has designed and has been web master for several CCCA & ACF Councils, as well as a number of cat clubs and catteries.
She is an active member of the Siamese & Shorthair Cat Club and is interested in all things to do with cats and enjoys building web pages with the aim of making them interesting, informative, fast loading and fun.
1996 New Zealand, 2000 New Zealand, 2008 New Zealand, 2009 New Zealand, 2010 China Philippines New Zealand, 2011 New Zealand