Lesley Morgan ~ CAT

ACF Panel:
International: Yes
14 Frankland Street
Launceston TAS 7250
Phone: 0438 338 341
Mob: 0438 338 341
Airport: Launceston (LST)
I began in 1964 with chinchilla Persians. (Comyn) As my parents became involved with Burmese (Jindivik, 1965) and then imported the first British Shorthair breeding pair into Australasia (Redwyton, 1969) was involved with those breeds. Also in 1967 I acquired a tabby point Siamese, breeding the first lilac tabby point on the Australian bench in Jan, 1969 (Merriminx). Seeing my first Exotic Shorthair in the flesh at a show in Holland in the early 80’s, I pioneered that breed in Australia for some 16 generations. I also owned the ultimate show pony tawny Abyssinian superstar neuter from 1997. My current relationship: 2 pensioner desexed Exotics, a rescued spay and an inherited German Shepherd.
I have held various positions in the cat fancy: Tasmanian clubs since 1965, head tutor judge Tasmania since 1975, all positions but Treasurer with CAT Inc., ACF (Inc.) Acting President, International Liaison Officer, Editor or co–editor yearbooks 1970’s, 1980’s, 1996 to present day, ACF (Inc.) delegate to World Cat Congress for 12 of its 16 meetings, inaugural Treasurer, ACF Judges’ Guild, Secretary and Editor, "Felijudge". Show manager, ACF (Inc.) National Shows 1987, 1983, 1999, 2007 and 2012. Show Convenor, 2014 ACF National.
1968 Shorthair and 1971 Longhair (All breeds) ACF Panel 1975
Most, multiple times: New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia (West) and Sarawak, Indonesia (Jakarta Raya, Surabaya), Finland, Sweden, Norway, Holland, UK, France, Italy, Austria, Germany, Denmark, Latvia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Japan, South Africa USA and Thailand.