Alison Moore ~ Cats NSW

ACF Panel:
International: No
Melba ACT 2615
Phone: 0409 980 535
Mob: +61 409 980 535
Airport: Canberra (CBR)
I have always been an animal lover and had numerous pets as a child. I was 16 when my first cat arrived, a gorgeous black silver tortie tabby bi–colour spay, who started life in our shed when her (stray) mother gave birth to her litter in a sack of concrete. My first pedigree cat was a blue point birman neuter I purchased in 1992 and my journey in the cat fancy began soon after. My first litter came along the following year with a then still new colour – chocolate point and I have bred birmans in all colours and patterns since.
I qualified as a steward in 1993 and have had the opportunity to steward at shows in Russia, Belarus and France. I have held many positions in cat clubs and participated in all aspects of managing and running cat shows, from local club shows to Canberra and Sydney Royal Shows and ACF National Shows.
I joined Cats NSW in 2014 and, after covid delays qualified as a Group 1 judge in 2024. I am now undertaking a shorthair judging course with the aim of becoming an all–breeds judge. I am also the current Cats NSW Secretary.
My retirement in late 2023 means I now have more time to spend with my family in Victoria, walking around local Canberra parks and lakes, and cooking. Hopefully there will also be time to resume some overseas travel.