Margaret Steed ~ GCCFV
ACF Panel:
Trf 2023
International: Yes
Wonthaggi VIC 3995
Phone: 0400 134 328
Mob: 0400 134 328
Airport: Melbourne (MEL)
I was destined to be a cat lover, both of my parents having had cats throughout their lives.
As a child, I had a large black and white companion cat. My first pedigreed cat was a dear little apple headed Siamese, acquired in 1971, and my love of the breed was established. I was in awe of the ability of judges, and my goal was set to become one of their ranks. Over the years, I have shared my life with Siamese, Russian Blues, Australian Mists and Somalis, breeding and showing their lovely kittens.
In 1992, I moved from New South Wales to Victoria, and am currently a member of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy . From joining the RAS Cat Club, (now NSW CFA) in1972, I have progressed through the various levels of show management to achieve that goal of becoming a judge, gaining my Group 2 licence in 1998, and progressing to All Breeds, and Tutor Judge. I have judged in all Australian States, USA and New Zealand.
I enjoy a varied life. My working life as an accountant closed in 2013, and I did not realise that retirement could be so time consuming and rewarding. I now have time to indulge my hobbies, mainly reading and needlework (cat designs, of course).
My mantra for life is “Learn something new every day”.
New Zealand 2010-2019, USA 2015