Jenni McKernan ~ FCCQ

ACF Panel:
2013, 2014, 2017
International: Yes
PO Box 33
Dayboro QLD 4521
Phone: 0408 425 423
Mob: 0408 425 423
Airport: Brisbane (BNE)
Jenni has bred and shown Abyssinians since 1989 under the "Asmara" prefix. She bred Abyssinian of the Year in 2000, 2005, and 2006. She has recently begun showing and breeding Ocicats, using "Asmara OCI" for naming the progeny.
Jenni is a Groups 2, 3 and 4 judge and is currently completing Group 1 training. She completed steward training in 2003 and enjoys that role as it allows her to handle many different breeds and to learn from all the judges with whom she works. She is also an experienced show manager who likes the challenges associated with running a successful cat show.
Jenni is a member of the Siamese and Shorthair Cat Club of Queensland Inc. and the Classy Cats Cat Club Inc. and is the latter’s delegate to the Feline Control Council of Queensland Inc. She has a special interest in feline behaviour, genetics, and health and welfare issues.
Jenni has been a qualified veterinary surgical nurse for over 20 years and, while still enjoying that role on a part–time basis, now manages a very large, animal products distribution company.
New Zealand