Susan Game ~ Cats WA

ACF Panel:
International: Yes
244 Tamby Court
Southern River WA 6110
Phone: 0409 082 395
Airport: Perth (PER)
Sue has been judging since 1993 (All Breeds since 2004) and has judged in most Australian states, and overseas in Kuala Lumpur, New Zealand and South Africa. She judged at the Sydney Royal Show in 2011 and Adelaide Royal Show in 2008.
Sue has been a member of FCCWA Governing Council since 2011. She is a Judge Training Coordinator for CatsWA, Oriental Shorthair Cat Club Secretary, and is closely involved in CatsWA and Club show administration.
She breeds Siamese and Orientals under the Prefix "Chicas". Sue also designed, built and is the owner/proprietor of a Boarding Cattery. Her other interests include, yacht racing and cruising with her husband, walking and bike riding and reading novels.
2006 New Zealand, 2008 Malaysia, 2011 South Africa